Friday, December 23, 2016

Falling For You

Before unlocking the door, Shelby took a deep breath. “Just stay cool,” she whispered to herself.  Startled, by her friend’s golden retriever, she ran toward the kitchen, slipped and hit her head on the counter.  When Shelby woke up, Leon was standing over her with an ice pack. She fainted.


Twitter and Instagram:@iamjaywan

Thursday, December 22, 2016

When It Hurts but You Stay

She had a way about her.  A smile he couldn't trust. It symbolized dishonor and defeat. Her laughter traveled through the room and coiled around his neck.  Though he wanted to walk away, there was no leaving her.  He needed to stay. She’d love him better for it, one day.


Twitter and Instagram:@iamjaywan

Growth in Solace

She saw herself in the trees.  Steady at the root. A strong core and skin as vulnerable as branches weighed down by snow.  The season had come for her to bare it all, leaving a bed of triumphs and tears on the ground. In due time, her fruit would show.


Email: and Instagram:@iamjaywan

Saturday, December 17, 2016


I went into the store to purchase toilet paper. I wanted to use my debit card. The clerk couldn’t help me. They only took cash. I went to the ATM. It was out of order. I walked back home, awe struck by my misfortune. I arrived at my door, keyless.

Email: and Instagram:@iamjaywan

Friday, December 16, 2016

Edible Eros

They say food is the best way to a man’s heart, Amelia stood on that belief.  She chopped up the apples she received from the old woman in the forest, hoping that the spell would work.  Amelia knew that deep down, Eric loved her.  After dessert, he’d know it too.


Twitter and Instagram:@iamjaywan

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Home for the Holidays

To avoid spending another drama filled Christmas with her family, Tanya told her boss she would work the Christmas Eve rush.  While lying on the ground with a gun pointed at her head, Tanya told herself that she was moving back to her hometown if she made it out alive.


Twitter and Instagram:@iamjaywan

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Veils of Consciousness

Her face held the wisdom of the women who came before her.  If only she could see herself.  The world she was born into wanted her to wear labels.  She was hidden behind a mask made from the lies they told until the day she learned to peel the layers.


Twitter and Instagram:@iamjaywan. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Last Sunday in September

Cora never thought she'd be sitting in the bed she shared with her lover, staring at his obituary.  She recalled summer days filled with adventures and staying up late into the night. As swift as the leaves float in a fall breeze he took his last breath in her arms.


Twitter and Instagram:@iamjaywan